Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Morning Worship

Typical day at Crossroads for us:
7:00 am - breakfast
7:30 am - shower and get ready for day
9:00 am - morning worship
10:15 am - Topical Workshops - these cover topics like life after camp, missions, spiritual warfare, relationships, etc.
11:30 am - lunch
Then we go to either our off campus activity (like hiking, day at the river, rock climbing) or stay on campus for sports tournaments, crafts, swimming, or the petting zoo.
Here's some pictures from morning worship. JM


Anonymous said...

Hey Josh, love your blog. It helps us know how the week is going. Hope Morgan is behaving herself.

Scott and Terri

Josh Mc Alister said...

Thanks Scott. I wish you were here to take pictures for me. But yeah, I just hope you can find out a little bit more about what we're learning about and hopefully help bridge that gap between camp life and life at home. Thanks. JM